Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sing along with me!

After a lazy, couch filled November and December I made a goal to get up and run in January. So, I urged my mom to join me and we have been going to the rec. center in town to use the track. Thanks to Santa Vince I have an Ipod so I downloaded some cd's of what I thought was Donnie and Vinnie singing. While I was running this week I put it on shuffle (because I can't figure out any other way to set it yet!) and about a mile into my run I was surprised to hear a wonderful duet of Donnie and Sammy singing! I remember so vividly the day they sang and I recorded! Donnie had to start the song 3 times because Sammy's amazing off key voice would throw Donnie off. But the third time really was the charm. Thank you so much Donnie for making music with your little brother that day. What a gift!!

It doesn't get any easier. You just get better at it. God it good.