Wednesday, November 25, 2009

My Prince

This happened many times but the first time is always the best. I remember being in the kitchen and Sammy was at the counter watching something on the computer. I am sure it was the 10th time or better for the movie. Sammy could always sense my emotions and today I was bored with cleaning the kitchen. In a flash ,or as quick as Sammy could get off the stool, Sammy walked up to me, held out his hand, and in Sammy's way, asked me to dance. He then said "Lillup" and pointed to himself. He was my Prince Phillip! We dance and we sang "I danced with you once upon a dream". Sammy thought I had a good voice!!! LOL He did this often after that first dance. I miss dancing in the kitchen with my favorite 15 year old! Sammy got to meet his favorite Prince 2 times during his life here on earth. He also got a Prince Phillip doll from Santa last year.
It doesn't get easier. You just get better at it.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Angels Prayer

It's 2:o2 am and such a sweet memory comes to me. This week at CCD class we talked about angels. I asked my class how many prayed to their guardian angels and we went over the prayer in class. This must have prompted my memory.....Each night Sammy and his dad would pray together their "night" prayers. They would pray the Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be and the Guardian Angel prayer. Sammy would then end with God Bless, Mom, Dad, Jason, Rhiannon, Marcus, Mia(Maria), Papa(Grandpa), Papa (Sammy could not say Mama for grandma) and Aunt Barb! Sammy never forgot to pray for his Aunt Barb. He loved all his Aunts and Uncles but I think he knew that Aunt Barb needed his prayers more. For those of you who don't know my sister Barb, she has Multiple Sclerosis. I miss that wonderful prayful voice and the sweet times getting ready for bed. I miss the times he would snuggle up with his dad and me in bed. Sammy keep praying for us. We need you!
It doesn't get easier, we just get better at it. God is good.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

It's 3 am and I just finished giving Ethan (my foster child) a bottle. As I lay here a cool breeze just tickled my arms. I listen, thinking maybe the furnace just kicked on. Nope, the furnace isn't on, so I take it as a sign from Sammy. Today at 7 am mass Father David talked a little about Sammy and how someone at Wolf Creek talked about Sammy and the impact he had on so many of us. Now as I lay here a sweet memory comes to mind about a time at Wolf Creek. We had just finished 18 holes of golf and Vince, Sammy and I, along with some friends were sitting in the club house having a drink and Sammy wanted something to eat. Sammy went up to the counter and asked Brian Sullivan for pizza. Brian told Sammy they didn't have pizza there and Sammy got upset and signed PIZZA. Brian told Sammy again that they didn't have pizza there and offered him other things like a hot dog or nachos. Again Sammy signed PIZZA and this time he put a little Italian into his signing! Feeling frustrated Sammy tugged on Brian's arm and pointed to the menu board and showed Brian where "pizza" was on the board. We were all a little surprised and very proud and although Sammy was sad he couldn't have pizza, Vince and I celebrated the fact that Sammy was using his reading skills in everyday life. Sammy had a wonderful teacher that came to our home to teach Sammy for 10 years. Thank you Sherry for not only teaching Sammy but for loving him!

It never gets easier, you just get better at it. God is good.